Incomplete Recovery – RMAN Backups and Reporting
The term incomplete database recovery means you cannot recover all committed transactions. Incomplete means you do not apply all redo to restore up to the point of the last committed transaction that occurred in your database. In other words, you are restoring and recovering to a point in time in the past. For this reason,…
Using an Autobackup – RMAN Backups and Reporting
When you enable the autobackup of your control file and are using an FRA, restoring your control file is fairly simple. First, connect to your target database and then issue a STARTUP NOMOUNT command, followed by the RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP command, like this: $ rman target / RMAN> startup nomount; RMAN> restore controlfile from…
Restoring to a Nondefault Location – RMAN Backups and Reporting
Use the SET ARCHIVELOG DESTINATION clause if you want to restore archivelog files to a location different from the default. The following example restores to the nondefault location /u01/archtemp. The option of the SET command must be executed from within an RMAN run{} block. run{set archivelog destination to ‘/u01/archtemp’; restore archivelog from sequence 8 force;}…
Restoring Archivelog Files – RMAN Backups and Reporting
RMAN will automatically restore any archivelog files that it needs during a recovery process. You normally do not need to restore archivelog files manually. However, you may want to do so if any of the following situations apply: • You need to restore archivelog files in anticipation of later performing a recovery; the idea is…
Restoring a Container Database and Its Pluggable Databases – RMAN Backups and Reporting
You saw the commands already to recover the database, which will include all of the data files for the root and pluggables. Also, the examples showed how to validate just the pluggable databases with RESTORE DATABASE and RECOVER DATABASE. This will restore and recover the root container, seed, and all associated pluggable databases. $ rman…
Performing Block-Level Recovery – RMAN Backups and Reporting
Block-level corruption is rare and is usually caused by some sort of I/O error. It can rescue you from having to do a complete restore of a data file with recovery. However, if you do have an isolated corrupt block within a large data file, it is nice to have the option of performing a…
Restoring and Recovering Data Files While the Database Is Not Open – RMAN Backups and Reporting
In this scenario, the database is first shut down and then started in mount mode. You can restore and recover any data file in your database while the database is not open. This example shows the restoring of data file 1, which is associated with the SYSTEM tablespace of the container database (CDB): $ rman…
Restoring Read-Only Tablespaces – RMAN Backups and Reporting
RMAN will restore read-only tablespaces along with the rest of the database when you issue a RESTORE DATDABASE command. For example, the following command will restore all data files (including those in read-only mode): RMAN> restore database; If you are using a backup that was created after the read-only tablespace was placed in read-only mode,…
Restoring and Recovering Tablespaces – RMAN Backups and Reporting
Sometimes you will have a media failure that is localized to a particular tablespace or set of tablespaces. In this situation, it is appropriate to restore and recover at the tablespace level of granularity. The RMAN RESTORE TABLESPACE and RECOVER TABLESPACE commands will restore and recover all data files associated with the specified tablespace(s). Restoring…
Restoring and Recovering the Entire Database – RMAN Backups and Reporting
The RESTORE DATABASE command will restore every data file in your database. The exception to this is when RMAN detects that data files have already been restored; in that case, it will not restore them again. If you want to override that behavior, use the FORCE command. When you issue the RECOVER DATABASE command, RMAN…
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